Dave Gutknecht

Phone Number

Dave Gutknecht has been editor of Cooperative Grocer magazine since its founding in 1985.

Author's Articles

Title Issue Date

Many co-op leaders resist attempts to define a "co-op market." A survey that describes food co-op shoppers as young, well educated, nutrition conscious, and ecology oriented, would be rejected as e

019 October - November - 1988 January 9, 2004

I read a lot of co-op newsletters, and by a combination of scanning and close reading learn a lot from them.

024 September - October - 1989 January 9, 2004

This section presents material intended to help readers active in the leadership of their cooperative to design and argue for an improved member equity system.

025 November - December - 1989 January 9, 2004

This is a time of ever increasing awareness of food safety and the environmental damage being wrought by the dominant economic powers and their step child, petro-based agribusiness.

023 July - August - 1989 January 9, 2004

If each day is indeed Earth Day, we all must learn and relearn the new "Three Rs": reduce, reuse, recycle.

028 May - June - 1990 January 9, 2004


Bruce Bacon is a community activist and market gardener in Ramsey, Minnesota.

030 September - October - 1990 January 9, 2004

Proposed rules requiring handicapped accessibility for retail businesses and public establishments of all types were announced in January 1991 by the U.S.

033 March - April - 1991 January 9, 2004

This edition's stories on the demise of two cooperative distributors, Mountain Warehouse and WholeFood Express, prompt some further reflections on the state of food cooperative retails and their co

037 November - December - 1991 January 9, 2004

For many of us, pursuing careers in cooperatives is a means of applying, through the institutions we build by our daily work, principles that evoke a world of social justice.

033 March - April - 1991 January 9, 2004

Recent applications of Department of Labor minimum wage and related requirements to co-op member labor -- where members receive a discount on purchases in exchange for co-op work -- have highlighte

034 May - June - 1991 January 9, 2004

Two more cooperative food distributors disappeared in 1991: Mountain Warehouse, a small operation formerly serving a large Southeast region -- that story is

037 November - December - 1991 January 9, 2004

We have much that we can be proud of. Co-ops in numerous towns and cities are active players in their community's environmental affairs.

040 May - June - 1992 January 9, 2004

Members of the Michigan Federation of Food Co-ops voted on February 29 to consolidate with North Farm Co-op, based in Madison, Wisconsin.

040 May - June - 1992 January 9, 2004

After fifteen months of debt-heavy operations, Tucson's Food Conspiracy Cooperative closed its 24,000 square foot natural foods supermarket in mid-December.

039 March - April - 1992 January 9, 2004

Some items in my mail recently underscore questions useful for any cooperative: Who are we serving? Where is the rest of our community?

046 May - June - 1993 January 9, 2004

Pickford is "Disappointed" and Center for Science in the Public Interest says "Dangerous"

November 2, 1992

044 January - February - 1993 January 9, 2004

Results from this year's Retail Cooperative Operations Survey show that 1992 was another year of strong growth and overall profitability for these stores.

047 July - August - 1993 January 9, 2004

050 January - February - 1994 January 9, 2004

"All cooperative organizations, in order to best serve the interests of their members and their communities, should actively cooperate in every practical way with other cooperat

058 May - June - 1995 January 9, 2004

Reviewing a year that has gone by as quickly as this one has shouldn't require more than a few paragraphs!

061 November - December - 1995 January 9, 2004